Thursday, 22 September 2016

Robert Rakete is the Duffy role model this term.

Many children recognised  Robert as the "Brown Wiggle". Everyone had lots of fun and the Asterix books are now in hot demand.

Water Safety

Room 21 learned how to take care of themselves and others if they were in a boating accident.

Swimming is fun.

It's great fun learning to swim.

Certificates for hard workers.

Tino pai. Effort does bring reward.

Whanau support at the pools.

Thank you to the family members who were able to watch and support their children. Isn't it great to see the improvement in your child's confidence and swimming ability after the 7 swimming lessons?

Wednesday, 21 September 2016

Look at these swingers!!

Look at the great agility and upper-body strength of these children.